Below is a snapshot of our key partnerships, projects and initiatives in need of funding and resources.
For more details click the "read more" link at the end of each project.
Arukah Global has partnered with an Ethiopia based organization that rescues women and their children from prostitution. The women enter a one-year restorative program with includes trauma counseling, addiction recovery, mentoring, parenting skills, spiritual growth and job/trade training. Their children are also offered trauma counseling, tutoring and schooling.
Since first partnering with Ellilta, Arukah Global has developed an education fund for these children. One year of school (including fees, supplies, tutor, etc) costs about $200 per child.
As women graduate from the program, the children stay in school until the mother can afford to pay for it herself. That said, the number of children we look to put in school grows each year.
2020 funding objective A: $18,000
Project A: Child Education Fund. A year of school for 90 children.
( read more )
2020 funding objective B: $5000
Project B: Business start-up Fund: Business start-up cost for graduated women (average $250 per woman)
( read more )
Birhan Academy: Our school partner. This school seeks to make high-quality, low-cost education available to the most impoverished children in Nazret, Ethiopia. Since partnering with them in 2015, Arukah Global has helped Birhan Academy increase its capacity from 400 to 600 kindergarten through 5th graders. The school has recently been approved for grades 6-8, and our goal is to continue funding the building of more classrooms, property improvements, and provide workshops for teachers and students.
2020 funding objective: $18,400 - $36,800 ( image building a fully functional classroom used by 30-40 children for less than $10,000! )
Project: The long-term goal is to build 4 classrooms, 1 "laboratory", and a library (6 buildings total)
Our initial goal is to raise enough funds to build 2 - 4 classrooms at approximately $9200 each ($18,400 - $36,800)
( read more )
Arukah Global partners with city officials and the local church to identify some of the most vulnerable widows/families in the city of Nazret in order to repair/rebuild their small homes. We fund all of the building material, hire local laborers (thus creating employment) while our serve teams from the States work side by side with the community during construction. This process helps empower locals by creating ownership and developing a deeper sense of community within impoverished neighborhoods. During the time of construction, our teams are taught to look for other needs such as light medical intervention, bedding supplies, etc. We look to connect families and individuals in need with one each other and local church volunteers, then encourage them to help one another.
2020 funding objective: $6000
Project: Build/repair 9-12 homes. ( read more )
The need for mentoring of young Ethiopia boys cannot be overstated. Single mothers, fatherless children, high demand for prostitutes, crime, the spread of HIV/STD’s, abortions, corrupt government, are all symptomatic of the lack of character in (young) men. This is due largely to the lack of healthy father-son mentoring.
With its population of 112 million being roughly 50/50 – male/female, with 60% being under 25 years of age – there are approximately 33.6 million boys at or under the country’s median age of 18. It is estimated that 70-80% of households in non-rural areas(cities) have no father present.
2020 funding objective: $25,000
Project: Lay a large slab of concrete on the property of Birhan Academy, our school partner. We will install basketball courts, soccer nets, and have space for other activities such as ping-pong table and badminton – all of which will be a draw for to local youth. Trained mentors will be on-hand to start building relationships. ( read more )
Though outwardly, this is not the most intriguing part of what we use funds for, without such support Arukah Global would not exist and the above projects and partnerships would dissolve. We are a small organization and run a tight budget. We allocate a budget toward a modest part-time salary, bookkeeping, accounting, insurance, as well as Ethiopia travel costs that allow our founder to lead teams and meet with Ethiopian partners.
2020 Funding objective: $48,650
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