Summer 2020 update
Hello friends and Arukah Global support partners,
It is our hope and prayer that this update finds you well and at peace in the midst of these unique times.
Reports from our Ethiopian partners have been slower than usual due to COVID-19 and the recent political unrest that has led to riots, and the subsequent "shutting-down" of the country's only (government-run) internet provider. The theory is that if people cannot communicate online, protests will not be organized as easily.
I write this update today(July 14, 2020), with mixed emotions as our team trip was originally set to depart to Ethiopia this afternoon. We'd literally be on a flight from San Francisco to Frankfurt right now. The frustration and disappointment which comes from not having any idea as to when we will be able to go there with a team again(or on my own) is compounded by discouraging reports on the overall COVID-19 situation here in the states, and the increasing numbers in Ethiopia.
That said, there is so much I am grateful for! Donors continue to be exceedingly generous in the midst of so many unknowns here in America. Because of your generosity, we've been able to provide our Ethiopia partners with much needed encouragement and practical help.
I want to give you an update as to how Arukah Global has been able to continue supporting our Ethiopian partners. In order to do that, I will give you some context for each of our 3 primary partners. Therefore, this will be a longer update than usual, but I feel it is important that you understand how your support is being used during these unprecedented times.
1. Our partner, the CDTRC (Child Development Training and Research Center) continues to provide community outreach and meals to deeply impoverished families in the town of Sendafa. With this, we've been able to help supply food to 80 children and their families (sponsored by the CDTRC)...240-300 people. (attached is a photo of some grocery bags spread out on a lawn for people to pick-up.)
The CDTRC facilities, which are normally used for teaching/training for child advocacy and "camps" for kids, are now being used by the local hospitals to house both doctors and those suffering with COVID-19. The CDTRC staff continues to (safely) engage with the community, but due to the economic stress from their version of shelter-in-place, local funding that supports salaries and operations is drying up. Arukah Global has also been able to offer some salary subsidies.
2. Ellilta - Women at Risk: Ellilta continues to support women and children they have rescued from prostitution. Though their facility is "closed", the staff continues to offer counseling, teaching and care to the ladies and their children. Like the CDTRC, local funding has dried up, and for the past few months, Arukah Global has been able to provide salaries to the Ellilta staff so they can continue serving these vulnerable women and children.
Additionally, the women who have been trained in new business such as sewing, baking and such, have, like all local businesses in Ethiopia (and here), taken a serious economic hit in the midst of the COVID-19 shutdown. As a result, many are at risk of going back "onto the streets" to provide for their children. Your generosity has allowed Arukah Global to provide funds to cover basic groceries to nearly 100 women (and their kids) who have graduated from the program, currently in the program, and in the queue for the program. This averages $20-$25/mo for a woman and her little one(s).
I've attached 2 photos of women/children with groceries.
STORY: The other month when we sent funds for groceries, I asked if I could provide a short letter and a bit of encouraging scripture to be given to the graduated women when they come to get their groceries.
Here is a reply from the recently retired Program Director:
"My dear brother,
How are you with your family and team? I want you to realize that your support for the former prostitute women in all aspects is very fruitful. When they received your encouraging letter they are very happy. One of the women phoned me and said 'How is it these people have such compassion in their hearts for us?' And said 'We put(saved) the letter to show for our children as a story when they are grown up.'
I also give you a great thanks and wish more and more blessings."
3. Birhan Academy (our school partner): Like with our other 2 partners, you've helped us supplement salaries for teachers who are still working to educate 600+ of the most impoverished children in the city of Nazret(Adama). Parents of students come by the school to pick-up and drop-off assignments. These teachers are working and serving under very difficult circumstances. Arukah Global is also looking to send additional funds to help cover school costs for some of the families struggling most to keep their kids in school.
Please email me if you are interested in a sample: [email protected]
Or you can go to our giving page and type "thank you" in the comments section. Either give a one time gift...or set-up a recurring gift.
Learn more here:
Thanks for taking a few minutes to read this.
Please feel free to reach out to me personally with any questions about our work in Ethiopia...or our new coffee venture.
I cannot express the depth of gratefulness in our hearts for each of you.
More than ever, we appreciate your ongoing support, prayers and encouragement!
Peace in Christ,
Hello friends and Arukah Global support partners,
It is our hope and prayer that this update finds you well and at peace in the midst of these unique times.
Reports from our Ethiopian partners have been slower than usual due to COVID-19 and the recent political unrest that has led to riots, and the subsequent "shutting-down" of the country's only (government-run) internet provider. The theory is that if people cannot communicate online, protests will not be organized as easily.
I write this update today(July 14, 2020), with mixed emotions as our team trip was originally set to depart to Ethiopia this afternoon. We'd literally be on a flight from San Francisco to Frankfurt right now. The frustration and disappointment which comes from not having any idea as to when we will be able to go there with a team again(or on my own) is compounded by discouraging reports on the overall COVID-19 situation here in the states, and the increasing numbers in Ethiopia.
That said, there is so much I am grateful for! Donors continue to be exceedingly generous in the midst of so many unknowns here in America. Because of your generosity, we've been able to provide our Ethiopia partners with much needed encouragement and practical help.
I want to give you an update as to how Arukah Global has been able to continue supporting our Ethiopian partners. In order to do that, I will give you some context for each of our 3 primary partners. Therefore, this will be a longer update than usual, but I feel it is important that you understand how your support is being used during these unprecedented times.
1. Our partner, the CDTRC (Child Development Training and Research Center) continues to provide community outreach and meals to deeply impoverished families in the town of Sendafa. With this, we've been able to help supply food to 80 children and their families (sponsored by the CDTRC)...240-300 people. (attached is a photo of some grocery bags spread out on a lawn for people to pick-up.)
The CDTRC facilities, which are normally used for teaching/training for child advocacy and "camps" for kids, are now being used by the local hospitals to house both doctors and those suffering with COVID-19. The CDTRC staff continues to (safely) engage with the community, but due to the economic stress from their version of shelter-in-place, local funding that supports salaries and operations is drying up. Arukah Global has also been able to offer some salary subsidies.
2. Ellilta - Women at Risk: Ellilta continues to support women and children they have rescued from prostitution. Though their facility is "closed", the staff continues to offer counseling, teaching and care to the ladies and their children. Like the CDTRC, local funding has dried up, and for the past few months, Arukah Global has been able to provide salaries to the Ellilta staff so they can continue serving these vulnerable women and children.
Additionally, the women who have been trained in new business such as sewing, baking and such, have, like all local businesses in Ethiopia (and here), taken a serious economic hit in the midst of the COVID-19 shutdown. As a result, many are at risk of going back "onto the streets" to provide for their children. Your generosity has allowed Arukah Global to provide funds to cover basic groceries to nearly 100 women (and their kids) who have graduated from the program, currently in the program, and in the queue for the program. This averages $20-$25/mo for a woman and her little one(s).
I've attached 2 photos of women/children with groceries.
STORY: The other month when we sent funds for groceries, I asked if I could provide a short letter and a bit of encouraging scripture to be given to the graduated women when they come to get their groceries.
Here is a reply from the recently retired Program Director:
"My dear brother,
How are you with your family and team? I want you to realize that your support for the former prostitute women in all aspects is very fruitful. When they received your encouraging letter they are very happy. One of the women phoned me and said 'How is it these people have such compassion in their hearts for us?' And said 'We put(saved) the letter to show for our children as a story when they are grown up.'
I also give you a great thanks and wish more and more blessings."
3. Birhan Academy (our school partner): Like with our other 2 partners, you've helped us supplement salaries for teachers who are still working to educate 600+ of the most impoverished children in the city of Nazret(Adama). Parents of students come by the school to pick-up and drop-off assignments. These teachers are working and serving under very difficult circumstances. Arukah Global is also looking to send additional funds to help cover school costs for some of the families struggling most to keep their kids in school.
Please email me if you are interested in a sample: [email protected]
Or you can go to our giving page and type "thank you" in the comments section. Either give a one time gift...or set-up a recurring gift.
Learn more here:
Thanks for taking a few minutes to read this.
Please feel free to reach out to me personally with any questions about our work in Ethiopia...or our new coffee venture.
I cannot express the depth of gratefulness in our hearts for each of you.
More than ever, we appreciate your ongoing support, prayers and encouragement!
Peace in Christ,